Metodical developments


Recognition Regulations and Practices in the EAHEA

This report is the deliverable of WP1.1 as a part of WP1 aiming at analyses of existing standards and methodologies for recognition. The report describes recognition regulations in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and practices in Estonia, Ireland, Poland and Portugal following the expectations of Ukrainian partners of the QUARSU project (see Annex 1).


Analysis of the experience of recognition and support needs in Ukraine

The study of the implementation of recognition procedures in Ukrainian higher education institutions was carried out within the framework of the EU project Erasmus + 609995-EPP-1-2019-1-PL-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "Support to the recognition of qualifications for Ukrainian universities", abbreviated as "QUARSU".


The results of a survey of higher education institutions in Ukraine

The developed questionnaire of higher education institutions (hereinafter - HEI) contains 12 questions. The purpose of the survey was to summarize the needs of higher education institutions of Ukraine in the methodological support of recognition processes and learning outcomes.


Report on recognition practices at Ukrainian universities survey

This report is the deliverable of WP1.1 as a part of WP1 aiming at analyses of existing standards and methodologies for recognition. The report describes recognition regulations in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and practices in Estonia, Ireland, Poland and Portugal following the expectations of Ukrainian partners of the QUARSU project (see Annex 1). The analysis is presented in three aspects


Draft Provision on recognition in higher and professional pre-higher education of non-formal and informal learning

PROCEDURE for recognition in higher and professional higher education of learning outcomes obtained through non-formal and / or informal education