Meetings and seminars

Monitoring mission

On January 15, 2021, a monitoring mission of the project with such an agenda took place:


(Kyiv time)


11.00 – 11.30

Introduction of the mission by NEO team and communication with the Rectors/Vice-Rectors of the Ukrainian partner HEIs on the relevance of the projects results with the institutional development strategies (internationalisation); changes and impact visible at the institutional level; challenges and solutions; availability of projects results at the university website, how the sustainability will be ensured after the project end.

11.30 - 11.50

Summary of the achieved project results (up to date for the moment of monitoring, including delays, changes, challenges, solutions, best practices, visibility, status of equipment purchase etc.):

  • National Coordinator 

11.50 - 13.30

Short presentation up to 10-15 minutes each with focus of the key outcomes with evidence, challenges, solutions of the partner. 

  • Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (5-10 minutes)
  • National University “Odessa Maritime Academy” (10-15 minutes)
  • Kherson National Technical University (10-15 minutes)
  • Sumy State University (10-15 minutes)
  • Ukrainian National Forestry University (10-15 minutes)  
  • Donetsk State University of Management (10-15 minutes)
  • Federation of Employers of Ukraine (10-15 minutes)

13.30 - 13.45

Summary of the project activities and Quality management:

  • Project Coordinator

13.45 - 14.30

Lunch break  

14.30 - 15.30

Discussion and Q&A on the achieved results, content quality assurance based on the full presentations, prepared by the partners and sent to the NEO-Ukraine in advance.

15.30 - 16.15

Discussion with project stakeholders who are not official project partners, academic and administrative staff, students: about awareness, relevance of the project to them, its innovation, their role, experience, challenges, impact etc. 

  • National Qualifications Agency 
  • Representatives of HEIs (academic and administrative staff; students) 

15.30 - 16.15

(parallel session) 

Discussion with financial administrators/responsible persons for project financial management, mechanisms of payments, documentation, filing, challenges, solutions, best practices etc. 


Formulation of the preliminary monitoring conclusions (NEO Ukraine team). Discussion and summing-up the monitoring conclusions with all participants